Ejemplos de Conversación En Una Agencia De Viajes En Inglés
Cuando queremos viajar por negocios, por estudios o para pasar nuestras vacaciones, acudimos a una agencia de viajes, para conseguir un paquete que incluya transporte, hospedaje, comida y quizá algunos espectáculos, que nos resulte más económico que hacer el viaje y contratar cada servicio por separado.
La mayoría de las veces es necesario tener conocimientos de inglés para enterarnos de los paquetes e incluso para contratar algunos de estos servicios. Por eso en esta ocasión veremos un diálogo sobre cómo solicitar información y contratar en una agencia de viajes.
Ejemplo de conversación en una agencia de viajes en inglés
--Client – Good afternoon, miss. I'm looking information about travels.
--Miss Helen – Good afternoon, Sir. I am Miss Hellen Hill. We have many packages to different destinations, for vacations, business or studies. What is the reason of your travel?
--Client – Thanks, Miss Helen. Well, I’m thinking in an anniversary travel. It is a surprise for my wife.
--Miss Helen – Very good, sir. Congratulations. Which date have you think?
--Client – Well, our anniversary is in three months, buy I want give her the surprise two weeks before, in her birthday.
--Miss Helen – Do you think in any destination?
--Client – I’m not so sure yet. She loves beach, and she wants to visit some places in Europe or Russia.
--Miss Helen – Well, let me see… We have two packages that may interest you. Both are round travel. Package One is an Europe trip, for ten days, from August 5th to August 15th, with destinations in Spain, France and Italy. In Spain, Three days and two nights in Compostela, hosted in the Hostal de los reyes católicos, including a guided visit to Santiago’s Cathedral and the platerias square. Food is included in hosting. Four days and four nights in the French Riviera. You can go to the beach as many times as you want, and optionally can choose between a night in Montecarlo, a Trip to Monaco or one day visit to Paris. Finally, Three days in Italy, In Rome. It includes a visit to Vatican, to the General Audience; the coliseum and the catacombes.
Package two is a Russia trip for 8 days. It longs from August 6 to August 14 and includes three days in Moscow, in a four star hotel, food included, with guided visits to Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the Kremlin, and the National History Museum. The next five days be in Sochi, in the Metallurg Spa. There are so many activities along the day, massage rooms, sport activities, and it is near the sea. At night, there are music and karaoke.
--Client – Both looks so well. My wife will be pleasant with any of them. How many cost each package?
--Miss Helen – Package one has a cost of $ 25,000 Dollars. Package two cost 18,000 Dollars. If you contract this week, you obtain a discount of 10% in any of them.
--Client – And in national destinations?
--Miss Helen – In August, we have destinations to California, New Orleans and Niagara Falls. Also have packages to Mexico and Canada.
--Client – My wife has family in Mexico!
--Miss Helen – Very good! We have a package to Mexico form August 3th to August 15. Including four Star hotel in Mexico City, with breakfast included, and assistance from our subsidiary in Mexico, for guided visits, and even, traveling to other locations, with a low extra cost. This package has a price of $9,000, with the 10% discount applied. If you program now your three guided visits and a foreign location to Mexico City, it will not have extra cost.
--Client – Great! My wife has family in a place called Zapotlan or Guzman City. Surely she will love pass few days with them!
--Miss Helen.– Let me contact our subsidiary. Give me a pair of minutes, please.
--Client – OK.
--Miss Helen – Well, they say me that you can be hosted in Guadalajara, that is at one step from Guzman City, and also is near Puerto Vallarta, a touristic beach. If you want a package with hotel in Guadalajara, You will pay $ 7,500 dollars. If you only contract transportation from here to Guadalajara’s airport in round travel, and pass vacations in your family’s place, only will pay $ 4,250 dollars. If you want rent a car, our subsidiary can help to rent all your stay, for only $ 500 dollars.
--Client – Beach and see her family!. OK, I’ll take the last option. Do you accept credit card?
--Miss Helen – Of course. Well, I need your name to make your reservations.
--Client – Sure. I am Steve Robinson and my wife Estela Gutierrez.
--Miss Helen – Your flight will leave on August 3th, at seven o’clock. You will be in Guadalajara’s Airport around of midday.
--Client – Excelent! Thanks a lot.
--Miss Helen – It was a pleasure. Have a good travel!
¿Cómo citar? Figueroa,V. & Del Moral, M. (s.f.). Ejemplos de Conversación En Una Agencia De Viajes En Inglés.Ejemplo de. Recuperado el 13 de Junio de 2024 de https://www.ejemplode.com/6-ingles/3973-ejemplo_de_conversacion_en_una_agencia_de_viajes_en_ingles.html